Balanced funds

Taming risk

What is a balanced fund?

Balanced funds, also known as multi-asset funds or diversified funds, offer small investors the opportunity to invest in diversified portfolios.

These funds invest in a wide range of financial instruments, offering the Fund Manager more freedom of choice. The Fund Manager will invest in a diversified range of financial instruments, from shares issued by the most important companies listed on the Stock Exchange, to bonds and money market instruments.


ERSTE BALANCED RON open-end investment fund is a balanced multi-asset fund offering small investors the opportunity to invest in diversified portfolios. The fund invests in money market instruments, various types of bonds, and blue chip stocks. Risks can be mitigated through combined investments in various instruments. Thus, potential reductions in the price of stocks may be offset by earnings in bank deposits and bonds, which account for a large share in the portfolio..

Please read our risk disclaimers at the bottom of the page.

Fund list - Balanced funds

Important information: Please note the disclaimer and legal notes at the bottom of each fund page. Further information and documents, as well as important legal information on the respective fund, in particular specific information on funds managed by other management companies, can be obtained by clicking on the fund name in the fund overview above.

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This is an advertising material. Previous performance of the Fund is not a guarantee of future results! Please read the prospectus and the key investor document (KIID) before investing in fund! The Prospectus and the key investor document (KID) are available in Romanian and English language on and may be obtained from the agencies/units pertaining to the Romanian Commercial Bank and from the premises of SAI Erste Asset Management S.A.